And now the sixth NFT collection from the BRAINDIRT COALITION Not Fair Trading laundry mat for whales. Ever wonder what all those whales are doing going to Not Fair Trading Laundry Mat For Whales? We thought NFTS were a way for artists to get their work out to a larger audience of people to experience and possibly enjoy. It seems like a lot of whales have a different idea of what NFTS were created for. It sure is difficult for artists to get their NFTS noticed by folks with so many whales just in it to wash paper and give the concept of NFTS a bad name. Is that what artists work so hard for creating nfts just so whales can have laundry mats? Are we really supposed to go to all the trouble to make NFTS just for the whales to do that and jeopardize the whole concept of NFTS as way for artists to get their art to a worldwide audience? Whales don’t seem to care what NFTS we artist create as long as they can use them to wash paper. Should we not care as long as they are buying NFTS and we are getting paid to create them or should we worry that this behavior could destroy the whole NFT marketplace and destroy this avenue of public access to our work? All those whales keep the nft prices high but at what cost to nfts as a long lasting viable art distribution network? Are they really supporting the NFT market or are they making the concept of NFTS seem like a big hustle to the wider world audience? Will we NFT creators be able to continue making NFTS as the whales washing in the NFT marketplace brings more regulator scrutiny to the NFT ecosystem as a whole? Time will tell.
Minting of Not Fair Trading laundry mat for whales minting now at braindirtcoalition.com for .00508 ETH on the Blast blockchain.
Contract Address
Also available on opensea.io at

All images on this site, except some sunset photos, were hand drawn on a crappy smart phone using degenerative H.I. (Human Intelligence).