Here comes the fifth NFT collection from the BRAINDIRT COALITION: SATANBOX. Do you want to spend as much of your life as possible immersed in the vortex of the netweb without the pesky distractions of the world around you pulling you out of it? SATANBOX has devices and content to keep you emersed in the web so no matter what is going on around you, you will be able to keep endlessly scrolling online and not care about the world around you.
Sounds good doesn’t it? SATANBOX devices are so addictive that you won’t even care if missiles are coming in or your house is burning down around you as long as you still have a connection to the web to stay scrolling through cyberspace. Who cares about the problems of physical reality when you have a SATANBOX in your hands to keep you entertained and informed about what’s trending right now.

Aliens invading outside your window won’t matter to you with a trusty SATANBOX keeping you connected to latest memes to laugh and smile at. Even if those aliens start abducting the cows behind you, it won’t matter to you with a SATANBOX streaming the newest show you love. You won’t have the least concern for a volcano erupting a short distance away from you with a SATANBOX showing you social media posts from your favorite movie stars. Forest fires and tornadoes close by don’t have the power to get you off your SATANBOX while you are finding the best prices shopping online.
Shooting stars in a beautiful full moon night sky won’t give you as big of a dopamine rush as the newest music videos from the biggest pop stars on earth coming to you right on your SATANBOX. You won’t care about unicorns coming out of the woods behind you while your SATANBOX is showing you what the latest antics of the world elite are. Who cares about that leprechaun and his pot of gold outside when your SATANBOX has you playing your favorite video game and beating your high score? Epic sunsets seem like an outdated form of entertainment while your SATANBOX can stream any movie you want where ever you are. Are you ready to stop caring about physical reality, then it’s time you get a SATANBOX and start living in the better world of virtual reality. Minting now for 0.00508 ETH on ARBITRUM at braindirtcoalition.com
Some of these Nfts are available on magiceden.io Link below
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All images on this site, except some sunset photos, were hand drawn on a crappy smart phone using degenerative H.I. (Human Intelligence).