Here is the eighth NFT collection from the BRAINDIRT COALITION WAGE SLAVERY. Look at all the little fish working in those factories making products for the octopus. They work all day making products so they can go shopping after work to buy the products they make during work. That octopus has its tentacles in all the factories and the stores, benifitting from all the hard work the little fish do all day at work and profiting from the products they go and buy after work. It is an endless cycle of working and buying again and again so the octopus can gain wealth, while all the fish get is more work and a few products that they buy just so they can do it all again. Day after day, this just keeps going on. The fish keep working and buying looking for fulfillment never satisfied, while that octopus gets richer and richer each day. If the fish could see that octopus with its pile of riches growing everyday from all their hard work while all they get is some crappy products and more work, would those fish keep this cycle going? Will the little fish ever wake up to this cycle of wage slavery that they are all in? Even if they noticed that octopus gaining so much from their actions would they make any change in their lives to free themselves from this endless cycle or is the pursuit of more products worth sacrificing their little fish lives to the octopus’s wealth generation? Is this the only option little fish have in this big world? Can these little fish ever find a way to live outside of this wage slavery? How much wealth does the octopus need and how many crappy products do the little fish need? This cycle just keeps going, day after day, year after year, with no sign of stopping. Maybe someday the little fish will find a way to free themselves from this wage slavery. Minting now for 0.0306 BNB.
Some of the NFTS from this collection are available on magiceden.io. Link below.
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All images on this site, except some sunset photos, were hand drawn on a crappy smart phone using degenerative H.I. (Human Intelligence).